Monday, February 27, 2012


February 18-27, 2012

Joe went to Denver and Silverthorne, Colorado for a week to do high altitude testing on an 18 wheeler truck for work.
Mile High Stadium.
The Rockies.

It snowed 4” or so overnight.
Joe made his first snowman while on the company’s time.
Eisenhower Tunnel, the longest mountain tunnel and highest point on the Interstate at 11,158 ft above sea level.

Deer crossing the highway.

Frozen Lake.

There were people ice fishing, dogs running, go karting and snowmobiling on the lake.
Jesus walked on water, I walked on an ice lake, 2 feet thick.

We drove up to the Continental Divide. It was so cold but the view was worth it.  

Ice castle near the hotel in Silverthorne.

Denver Airport.

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